Yonce Shelton - Transition MInister


Yonce joined Westmoreland staff in October 2024 to lead the congregation through a year of transition, serving in an interim senior minister capacity.

Prior to this role, Yonce served as Executive Director of Catholic Volunteer Network, a national membership organization of faith-based programs fostering full-time service. He has worked with intentional communities of young adults exploring faith, service, and community and has supported individuals as a pastoral counselor, spiritual director, and coach. Yonce’s relationship with WUCC began when he was the Community Counselor to the Westmoreland Service Corps from 2011 to 2017. His ministry experience includes being the Pastor of New Leaf Church in College Park, Maryland and holding leadership roles in the Community of Christ Ecumenical Fellowship in Mount Pleasant, DC.  

His early career included serving as Senior Policy Director for Sojourners (2002 - 2007) and Legislative Assistant to former U.S. Congressman Rick Boucher of southwest Virginia (1998 - 2002).     

Yonce has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University in Maryland and a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary. He has a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Monastery of the Risen Christ in San Luis Obispo, California. His undergraduate degree is from the College of William and Mary.