Youth Ministry

Westmoreland’s Youth Ministry gives our young people (grades 6-12) an opportunity to explore their relationships with God, each other, and the world through learning, service, worship, and recreation. Youth meet one to two Sundays a month before worship to enjoy a fun treat and time of fellowship. In addition, there are many special events including summer service trips, Confirmation, Our Whole Lives (OWL) human sexuality classes, lock-ins, movie nights, swim parties, and more.

Youth Summer Service Trips

In 2023 our youth embarked on a trip to Nashville, TN, to learn about housing justice. They had an opportunity to support local organizations working for a more equitable future for our unhoused siblings

in 2024 we traveled to Colorado to learn more about caring for creation.


Grades 8-10 are invited to join in Confirmation class, where ministers and lay leaders engage with youth as they explore their faith and make decisions about confirming the promises made at their baptisms; or, if they were not baptized, the decision to be baptized and to join the church. Our 2024-2025 Confirmation Class began September 15, 2024.

Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Youth grades 8 -10th are invited to participate in a human sexuality education course called Our Whole Lives. The comprehensive course aims to help youth make informed and responsible decisions about caring for their bodies, sexual health and behavior. In 2023-2024 Westmoreland youth joined youth from River Road Unitarian Congregation for this study.

For any questions regarding Youth Ministry, contact Faith Formation Coordinator Abigail Chamblee at