about westmoreland
While each of us comes to Westmoreland with unique perspectives on faith and life, the statements below give you some idea of what we value as a community of faith. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
Declaration of Purpose
Westmoreland adopted these guiding words in the early 1900s:
We do hereby set forth the principles of the Christian faith as commonly held among us.
believing that the life, spirit and teachings of Jesus Christ provide the foundation for our faithful aspirations.
It shall be our aim to bring joy to little children, instruction and high ideals to youth, inspiration to people in the midst of life, and comfort to those in life's later years; and to labor together for the betterment of humankind.
Our fellowship shall not be dependent upon identity of theological opinion, or of outward circumstance, or of denominational name, but shall grow from a common loyalty to Jesus; a common passion to serve the world; and a common purpose to do justly, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.
Our ideal is a church of the open mind, the warm heart, the aspiring soul, and the social vision, which ever seeks to express, in all the ways of life, the mind and spirit of Jesus.
(Modified at Jan. 26 2025 Annual Congregational Meeting)
The history of Westmoreland Church is a story of action inspired by faith.
The church began in 1886 as Mount Pleasant Congregational Church on Newton Street in Washington, DC. At that time, Mount Pleasant was a village with unpaved streets within the District, remote from the city.
The original membership of nineteen grew rapidly, reflecting the expansion of the city of Washington and growth of the Congregational denomination in general. A new building was completed on Columbia Road and 14th Street in 1904 with a gymnasium and bowling alleys – a sign of Westmoreland’s progressive ways.
Open and Affirming Congregation
Westmoreland's Declaration of Purpose states:
"Our ideal is a church of the open mind, the warm heart, the aspiring soul and the social vision which seeks in all its ways to express the mind and spirit of Jesus."
To that purpose, through the life and history of our congregation, Westmorelanders have sought to respect the differences among us while attempting to bridge the barriers which have divided and estranged us one from another.
Westmoreland Church sits on the traditional homeland of the Piscataway people. The current location of the church was also believed to be on an Underground Railroad path used by enslaved persons seeking freedom. We acknowledge all who have lived, loved, laughed, and died in this land.