Rev. Kate Epperly, D. Min is a semi-retired, bi-vocational, dually aligned ordained minister [UCC and Christian Church (DOC)] who has served congregations across the country for 44+ years, including serving as Senior Pastor of The Palisades Community Church in NW Washington DC from 1994-2004.
Kate was certified as a pastoral counselor in 1991 and as a practitioner committed to holistic health and wholeness, she was also trained as a spiritual director in 2005 and a massage therapist in 2011.
A lifelong peace and justice activist, Kate also served as Minister of Justice and Advocacy for Families and Children for the United Church of Christ (1 year) and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denominations for 7 years. Prior to moving back to the DMV two years ago, Kate served as vice-chair and chair of the Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Coordinator of the Cape Cod Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Bruce and Kate held membership at Westmoreland in the 80’s and 90’s while holding ministries in other contexts.
10:00AM to 4:00PM Tuesday - Thursday