Make a gift right now to one of our many programs, such as our annual operating fund, olive oil ministry, refugee projects, concerts series, youth trip, and more.
When you attend worship on Sundays, please put cash donations in the offering plate when it gets passed around during the service.
Note: If you want a year-end tax deductible receipt, please make sure you identify your gift by placing it in one of the envelopes in the church pews.
You may either place your check in the offering plate during a Sunday service, or mail it to the church office.
Please make checks payable to:
Westmoreland Congregational Church of Christ
1 Westmoreland Circle
Bethesda, MD 20816
You may give one-time or recurring gifts by credit card (or electronic transfer from a checking or savings account) by using our online donation page.
At the online giving page, you will enter some information and choose a password. You can return to the site at any time to add an extra gift or to change your pledge amount, payment schedule, payment method, etc.
Note: Credit card gifts incur a 3% fee, and you have the option to cover that cost so the church receives the full benefit of their generosity.
Gifts of securities can be a very efficient way to support the church.
If your stocks or bonds are held by an online or traditional broker, the transfer is a simple process handled by your broker. If you hold your securities in paper form, please contact Leon Goodson for specific instructions.
For either electronic or brick-and-mortar brokerages, instruct your broker to transfer either a specific number of shares or a specific dollar value to:
Fidelity Account: X37240397
Westmoreland Cong Untd Chu Chr
DTC 0226
When giving securities, it's important to email Leon Goodson with the name and approximate number of shares or dollar value of the securities given, the date of transfer, and any special purpose you may have designated.
For tax purposes, gifts of securities will be recognized in the calendar year in which they're given. Many securities holders prefer to give at the end of the calendar year, but apply their gift to Westmoreland's financial year that begins in January. Again, it is important to provide this information to Leon at the time of transfer.
Note: Gifts of securities are advisable only if the securities have appreciated in value. In that case, you can realize significant capital gains tax savings. It is not wise to give securities that have decreased in value. For guidance on this subject, we recommend you seek the advice of your broker, accountant or other qualified financial professional.
It's not easy to think about our mortality, even though as people of faith we believe in eternal life.
If you would like to consider adding Westmoreland to your will, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Leon Goodson to learn more.
Your generous gift goes directly to our Annual Operating Fund, which supports our core mission.
Fill out this quick form to pick a date and describe your donation so we can thank you in the Sunday bulletin.