All are welcome at Westmoreland!

Gay Pride FlagNo matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. We're an open and affirming church, so come as you are ... as God wonderfully made you.

Have mercy.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." (Matthew 5:7)

In March 2025, Westmoreland UCC hung a banner saying "Have mercy." on an exterior wall. It is inspired by Washington Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde. During her sermon at the National Cathedral’s Service of Prayer for the Nation in January, she asked President Trump to “have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.”

The Christian tradition teaches us repeatedly to have mercy. “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

Westmoreland UCC strives to promote mercy and justice in our community and world. We seek to speak up when we can. Our church’s location offers the chance to invite passersby to remember or question the role of mercy in their lives. And perhaps it calls them to deepen commitments or act in new ways, regardless of religious tradition or lack of religious affiliation.  

We lift up mercy because our hearts break ...


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Open minds, warm hearts, listening ears to the social vision of Jesus.
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About UCC

A church of firsts and extravagant welcome, where all may be one.
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Sundays at 10:00AM
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We believe in prayer, and sharing joys and concerns is a central part of our worship service. We're happy to pray for your loved ones and you ... even if you never step through our doors. (Let us know if prefer to remain anonymous.)
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Westmoreland UCC sits on the traditional homeland of the Piscataway people and what is also believed to have been an Underground Railroad path used by enslaved persons seeking freedom. We acknowledge all who have lived, loved, laughed, and died on this land.